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HELLO, 我是外星之光 - 吴妈妈
Meet jessica wu
Jessica started out her life in Singapore from a young age of 18, and having little to none education, she worked many different jobs - from a seamstress to a waiting staff at a restaurant - to build a life for her two kids. Now 57, Jessica is a key integral member of the Great True Light movement, championing healthy living through sustainable choices that benefit you and your family.
Currently the founder and owner of her cleaning business, she spreads the message of love and care for the environment through her advocacy for healthier choices for ETL No. 9 for your daily cleaning uses.
吴妈妈在很早的时候就来到了新加坡,身兼多职的她终于把她两个孩子拉巴长大。身为爱的使者,她现在提倡和推广的是可持续发展的健康生活 - 除了为自己和身边的人创造无化学剂和农药的健康生活,也为环境污染尽一份力。
而 ETL No. 9 就是她使命,她精彩生活的开始。
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